Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Generally, I think bloggers celebrate the birth of their blog. But today I am celebrating the birth of the blogger. I got a call from Sam in Texas -- he'll be spending time on a beach on the Gulf of Mexico soon. I got a call from Joe in Paris (He was talking about the great French food he'd had for dinner. We had just finished up with lunch.) And I got this wonderful video from Mason in Mexico. The green ukulele is the gift he sent me. I got it this morning, and it has a terrific tone :)

Mason's idea of appropriate holiday behavior is to make his mother cry. And I do love it when he sings this song. We (the kids and I) are hoping to make a response video that I will hopefully get posted today, but I am posting this now -- rather than waiting for the response video, because I may have "bitten off more than I can chew" with this latest idea I have.


  1. Oh man, I saw Lucero do this song live last fall, it was amazing and you so deserve having this song sung to you:) Happy b-day, you fantastic band leader you!!!

  2. That would make me cry, too! You have the sweetest boy, ever! It is a wonderful thing hearing from your boys in far away places! It is wonderful to be loved by them!

  3. I second Jenna's sentiments in wishing a happy birthday to our wonderful leader of the band. Hey... somebody should write a song about THAT!

  4. What a beautiful green ukelele. That is the most beautiful and thoughtful birthday present ever!!!!
    What a great son he is.

  5. you know you have done something right when your kids all take the time to celebrate your birthday in such great ways :)
