I've been thinking about magic lately.
Ok, some of that is because I am re-reading the Dresden File Books. I sacrificed a lot to complete my Masters Degree and my certificate in digital forensics. So I promised myself that as soon as I finished my degrees, I could read for pleasure. That's right, I reward myself for reading with more reading.
The one thing I didn't sacrifice while I was earning my degrees was music. And now that I have even more time to practice the organ, I am approaching it the way Dresden approaches magic.

To me, the only difference between magic and a miracle is whether or not you are in a faith looking out or outside a faith looking in. And even with miracles, there is the knowledge of how the universe works.
To Dresden, magic is faith and belief. To perform magic, one has to really believe something will work and then infuse it with his will.

For the first time, I performed a piece for my masters class without choking. Francks' Prelude, Fugue, and Variation took me back to my brief visit to France like some kind of magical time machine.
I hate to quote Marilyn Manson, but "Music is the strongest form of magic."